Introduction to HashiCorp Consul

Multi-Cloud Service Networking

Next workshops

Friday 13 January 10-15 CET

Screenshot 2022-04-07 at 13.36.40

Automate networking for simple and secure app delivery across clouds

During this lab-based workshop, participants will learn how to discover and securely connect any service on any cloud or runtime.


Lab Exercises

  • First, you'll learn how to connect a web application with its database using Consul. Topics covered include service registration, health checks, service discovery, automated config management, and seamless DNS integration.

  • Take our application from service discovery to service mesh. We'll dive into mesh fundamentals and use an Envoy proxy to connect our application to its database.

  • Learn how the HashiCups application platform is implementing Consul to provide service discovery, health monitoring, service elasticity and consistent service visibility across environments.
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consul architecture

Who should attend

  • Cloud Engineers 
  • Dev(Sec)Ops
  • Security Professionals
  • Platform Teams
  • SRE 


There are no prerequisites for this workshop.


Learn and network with industry peers who have worked for a range or organisations across the globe


Michael Bright

Cloud Native Consultant/Trainer